Zombie Cocktail Recipe

Ya Zombie Cocktail Recipe 2012 and the Zombies are coming but don’t fear The Bald Chef has a drink that will calm your nerves. This drink recipe is made from rum and fruit juice. We will show you how to make the best zombie cocktail ever. This is a great drink for cooling yourself down after Zombies attack your home, party, or just a hard day at work. This cocktail will give you what it takes for: ” you have a zombie cocktail you will be equipped to deal with a zombie apocalypse, a hurricane, pandemic, earthquake, or terrorist attack.” You need to know in this ” Brave New World” how to make this life or death drink! So make this cocktail and get ready the end is near!


How To Make Zombie Cocktail

1 ounce white rum,1 ounce golden rum, 1 ounce dark rum, 1 ounce apricot brandy, 1 ounce pineapple juice, 1 ounce papaya juice, ½ ounce 151-proof rum, Dash of grenadine. Serve on ice. and get ready for the Zombies.